I would imagine that by now most of us have already opened all of our Christmas gifts. Maybe one or two gifts were opened last night on Christmas Eve, a tradition I have enjoyed since I was a young boy and which my wife and I still carry on with our own family to this very day; other gifts were opened this morning but only after Mom or Dad had lit the Christmas tree and made that fresh pot of coffee. There were probably some gifts under the tree that were a pleasant surprise while other gifts were exactly what you were hoping for. Some gifts may have even come in a big box with some assembly required, while other treasures could be found inside your stocking with some of your favorite candy.
Whatever wonderful gifts we may have received during this Holiday season, it’s important to remember that many of our best gifts have yet to be opened. Unopened gifts like:
- a new position at your employer or a different career opportunity that awaits you in the new year?
- a new relationship or the strengthening of an existing relationship that has been challenged in the past and may have held you back in some way?
- a new hobby that you’ll decide to take on in the new year that will bring you great joy or a new community that you’ll join and be blessed with lots of new friends?
- forgiveness and reconciliation for someone who may have hurt you in some way or in the unopened gift of finally forgiving ourselves for those hurtful things that we may have done to someone we love?
- finally giving ourselves permission to let go of our regrets, our past failures, our unfulfilled dreams, and all of those fears and anxieties that often block our path forward and weigh a ton.
All of us have many special gifts that are just waiting to be opened not just on this Christmas Day 2019, but every day that lies ahead of us. As another new year beckons with the hope of abundant possibility, may we always be grateful for all of God’s gifts and for the strength to finish the race.
Wishing all of my fellow coaches, clients, and friends a very Merry Christmas and Happiest of Holidays and my very best wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy 2020, Dr. K