Setting  SMART Goals in Life and Career


Goal setting is one of the most important components of any coaching engagement. At Kirnan Coaching Associates, LLC, we encourage our clients to adopt SMART Goals in any aspect of their life and/or career they are seeking to change. Every SMART Goal that a client commits to should meet the following criteria — i.e., be:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Realistic

– Time-bound

And, it is critical to frame the specific Action Steps that will support each SMART Goal that is identified to help drive and sustain the behavioral change one is hoping to achieve. I am currently working on 3 SMART Goals in my exercise regimen to train for the Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes Triathlon on June 16th. I just completed the 1st of those 3 SMART Goals (the training for the ½ miles swim) and I am now focused on the 2nd of my SMART Goals – the training for the 17- mile bike ride. The 3rd SMART Goal is still a month away (training for the 5-mile run).

SMART Goals are a very simple and realistic way to properly set and achieve your specific goals. Good luck in setting your own SMART Goals and have some fun in the process!

Warm Regards, Dr. K

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