Setting SMART Goals in Life and Career

SMART Goals Goal setting is one of the most important components of any coaching engagement. At Kirnan Coaching Associates, LLC, we encourage our clients to adopt SMART Goals in any aspect of their life and/or career they are seeking to change. Every SMART Goal that a client commits to should meet the following criteria — i.e., be: S – Specific M – Measurable A – …

The THINNK Approach to Enhanced Conversation

  “Everybody’s talking at me. I don’t hear a word their saying. Only the echoes of my mind. People stopping, staring. I can’t see their faces. Only the shadows of their eyes” Harry Nilsson, Everybody’s Talkin’ (1969) 2017 has been a year unlike any other in recent memory. Lots of fear, anxiety, and divisiveness seem to permeate the airwaves and our …