Coaching Philosophy

Our coaching philosophy embodies a human and client-centered approach that is both collaborative and introspective, helping people discover new ways of thinking to develop their full potential.
It is a philosophy that takes a whole life approach to coaching, one that is strongly rooted in the belief that you, the client, possess all of the information to move forward in your life and career. It reflects a blend of both academic and practical approaches, including elements of humanistic, positive, and behavioral psychology along with a deep understanding of recent advances in contemporary neuroscience and how the brain functions.
Our coaching sessions are designed to help our clients explore new ideas and pathways to success in their personal and/or professional lives.
Depending on the client’s specific situation, the coaching process may incorporate different assessments like the KCA Wheel of Life and a Personal SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis in life coaching, the KCA Wheel of Work, Strong Interest Inventory, or GetFive’s 7 Stories Exercise and 40-Year Vision in career coaching, and instruments like the MBTI or DiSC in executive/organizational coaching applications.
The process can also incorporate well-known coaching models like the GROW Model which encourages the client to explore various alternatives in addressing their specific issues. The focus of our coaching engagement is on helping the client move forward in setting SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound) and action steps that can support sustainable behavioral change in their life and career.
30 Minutes Free Coaching Consultation with Dr. Kirnan
What are your specific needs in potentially working with a coach?
If possible, please have your resume and LinkedIn profile readily available for me to access during our consultation.