Showing 101 Result(s)

Quo Vadis — Where Are You Going? A Coaching Tool That Can Help You Clarify

“Coming home to a place he’d never been before. He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again. You might say he found a key for every door” John Denver, lyrics from the song Rocky Mountain High  “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the …

Time to Grab Your Oxygen Mask? Effective Coaching Strategies for Self-Care

“If the cabin pressure’s changing, you know that we won’t be leaving you hanging. Pull your mask down first. Don’t worry, oxygen flows. Tighten the straps after placing on your mouth and nose. If you’re traveling with someone like a child for instance, put your mask on first before offering assistance.”  Virgin America Safety Video  “Jack, how can you …

The Daily Examen: A Personal Coaching Tool that Can Help You Find Gratitude

Gratitude — the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. As the long Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close and our attention turns to the Christmas and Hanukah season, I found myself reflecting on some of the little things to be grateful for and which I know I …

Effective Coaching Strategies That Can Build Your Resilience

Resilience — an ability to bounce back from unexpected adversity, loss, or change. A set of skills that allows one to thrive during and after the hard times.  Abstract Why is it that some people, organizations, and even communities can face adversity, tragedy, loss, and the unexpected better than others and often come out of the …

Is Your Ask as Good as Your Tell? Perfecting the Art of the Ask

“Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you’d like to. So, if there’s something you’d like to try, if there’s something you’d like to try, ask me, I won’t say no, how could I.” Lyrics from the song Ask, The Smiths (1986) If You Don’t Ask, The Answer Is Already No …

The Gift of Friendship

“Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly“. Jack Canfield, best-selling author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” One of the great blessings of being involved with several faith-based groups are the wonderful people you get to share your life and fellowship with and …